Hafa Adai!
JTC Services Guam Inc. (JTC) was formed by three individuals from the business community in December 2009. Mr. Jose I. Leon Guerrero, a distinguished Army Officer and Service Disabled Veteran, retired attorney and retired Judge in the Guam Judicial System. Mr. Tom Camacho is experienced with managing Operations and Sales divisions. Mr. Carlo Leon Guerrero is experienced working with federal contracting and running small businesses. The three owners each bring a different skill set and experience which has contributed to the success of our company as evidenced by our growth from 2009 to present. We grew from a 2 man operation to a company that employs on average 60 employees. Our client list has grown from the Base Operations Service Contractor (BOSC) and now includes SAIC, United, Delta, Guam Airport Authority, Guam Port Authority, Guam Army and Air National Guard to name a few.